This is a somewhat nostalgic post for me and is for all the urban dwellers out there, particularly the renters. Here is the deal. I lived in the outer boroughs of NYC for 5 years (Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens) and never had a washer or dryer. Laundry was a much dreaded Sunday chore.

Let me paint the picture for you. You might be a little hungover, your roommates are all at home watching a movie or playing N-64 super smash brothers, and your ultimate frisbee team is playing pick-up at the park. You, on the other hand, have to spend your free sunday afternoon with moms, wives, grandmas, and kids in a hot laundromat, staking claim for the next available dryer (where are all the young attractive singles they show on TV?).
That was my weekly experience in Queens until I finally decided to start paying to have someone else do my laundry because I got lazy and wanted the second half of my weekend back. Looking back, I wish I had gone further and bought a washer and dryer of my own.